Directions From points North
Route I-95 South towards New York
Exit 9 towards Newport/South County (RI-4 South)
Exit 3B towards Exeter (RI-102 North)
Merge onto RI-102 North/Victory Hwy., ECC is 2.1 miles on the left.

From points South
Route I-95 North towards Providence
Exit 3A towards North Kingstown
Turn right onto RI-3 follow to RI-102 Take left at light follow 5 miles ECC is on your right accross from the Fire house.

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If you have Google Earth installed, you can left-click on the attached Placemark file and it will fly you to a location. If not, you will need to install Google Earth first(available at http://earth.google.com).

Exeter Country Club
320 Ten Rod Road (Rt 102) | Exeter, Rhode Island 02822
Golf Shop/Tee Times (401) 295-8212 | Clubhouse/Restaurant (401) 295-1178 / Fax (401) 294-3960

©2010 Exeter Country Club. All Rights Reserved.